Q and A: Week of Jan. 27

Q and A: Week of Jan. 27

Paul WalkerQ: Like the rest of the world, I was so shocked to hear that Paul Walker had died in a car crash. I saw his last movie, “Hours,” the other day, and he was so good in it. I know he was working on the next “Fast and Furious” movie when he died. Any chance they’ll still release it? — Jimmy T., Oceanside, Calif. A: Production on “Fast and Furious 7” had been shut down for some...
Puppy Bowl X!!

Puppy Bowl X!!

 (Animal Planet press release)  THE PUPPIES ARE COMING! ANIMAL PLANET’S PUP-CULTURE PHENOMENON CELEBRATES 10 YEARS WITH “PUPPY BOWL X” 10th Anniversary Edition Features Brand New Kitty Halftime Show, Celebrity Cats “Keyboard Cat” and “Lil BUB,” Interactive MVP Voting, Cheerleading Penguins, Live Viewer Instagram Submissions, and New Content Every Hour Hitting...
Q and A: Week of Jan. 6

Q and A: Week of Jan. 6

Q: It’s been only a few weeks, but I am going through some serious “Scandal” withdrawal! Please don’t tell me that it’s done for the year! I see that a new show has taken its place. — Nicole D., via email A: Don’t worry, my little Gladiator, “Scandal” will be back with all-new episodes beginning Feb. 27. The show that’s been on in the meantime is an eight-part miniseries called “The...
Q and A: Week of Jan. 1

Q and A: Week of Jan. 1

Sting, pictured with superfan Josh Romaine(picture courtesy Josh Romaine)Q: I can’t wait to see Sting and Paul Simon touring together this spring; Sting has always been one of my favorite artists. Until then, do you know of anything that can tide me over? — Nina T., Omaha, Neb. A: Well, Nina, I’m sure you already know that Sting’s most recent album, “The Last Ship,” was released this...
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